EMA Talks COVID-19 with St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation

As the COVID-19 global pandemic continues to evolve daily, so do the leadership discussions surrounding how the coming days, weeks, months, and years will look in the aftermath of the virus.
On Tuesday, June 16th, Dr. Carlos Abanses of Excelis Medical Associates gave a COVID update in conjunction with St. Joseph’s Hospitals Foundation.
Hosted on the ever-popular communication platform, Zoom, Dr. Abanses helped deliver medical facts about the Coronavirus’ origination, spread, clinical care, and vaccine development. The virtual presentation also covered what reopening means to people and their families, and how to best exercise precautions in this evolving landscape.
Dr. Abanses is Chair of St. Joseph’s Hospitals’ Emergency Preparedness, Medical Branch Director for COVID-19, as well as Associate Medical Director of the Steinbrenner ER/Trauma Center. To learn more about the latest updates with regards to Coronavirus in the Tampa Bay area and beyond, be sure to regularly check our official blog, Life in the ER: The EMA Blog.